Case Analyses

These case analyses were completed for PR courses at Auburn University while studying to obtain my Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations.

IAC's PR Nightmare

Justine Sacco, former head of corporate communications at IAC, landed herself in trouble before she even stepped off the plane. Her blatantly offensive tweet caused a firestorm on Twitter, with users causing #HasJustineLandedYet to trend worldwide. You can view the tweet here.

DOWNLOAD a PDF of this case analysis.
Image courtesy of IAC.

What Does Tomorrow Hold For TomorrowWorld?

What does tomorrow hold for TomorrowWorld? When a TomorrowWorld festival is ruined by bad weather and poor planning, a PR crisis ensues.

DOWNLOAD a PDF of this case analysis.
Image courtesy of youredm.

The Penn State Scandal: The Cover Up & The Fall Out

Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky charged with multiple crimes against minors. Since this assignment was completed through group effort, I included only the materials that I completed.

DOWNLOAD a PDF of this case analysis.
Image courtesy of PSU.

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