United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley's Annual Publication which lists Leadership Donors, information about United Way's programs and the annual report.
See the 2018 United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley Leadership Book.
United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley’s annual brochure which includes information about United Way’s programs and a list of United Way Community Partner Agencies.
These posters are distributed to local companies to promote the annual United Way Campaign and to thank the companies’ employees for participating in the campaign.
Created in Adobe InDesign | 11″ x 17″ | Margins: 0.5″ | Bleed: 0.25″
Pledge Forms for United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley’s 2019 Campaign. The pledge forms are distributed to current and potential Leadership Donors (donors who give $1,000+ annually) and Tocqueville Donors (donors who give $10,000+ annually).
Created in Adobe InDesign. | 8.5″ x 11″ | Margins: 0.5″ | Bleed: 0.125″ | Number of Columns: 3, Gutter: 0.5″ | Paper weight: #65 cover